Hi Friends! The blog has been mia lately and I apologize. We have been super busy this summer with some beautiful weddings & photo shoots. Lots of things are happening around here with a new website and some more surprises I will blog about later. But for now, the featured flower of the week….Amaranthus.
I love this flower. I actually grew this flower before I ever used it in any floral designs. My Dad almost refused to plant it for me because apparently in the agricultural world it is known as Pigweed and is just that, a weed, unwanted. I convinced him to let me grow this ‘weed’ in a small little space in the garden and have been in love with it ever since! It adds great texture to designs. The thing I love most about it is how it hangs. Not many flowers are as flowing and relaxed as this one so it compliments a tall arrangement very nicely. I also think it would look stunning in a floral chandelier. I might have to try that next :). Enjoy a few photos of the Amaranthus below from some of our floral designs and have a great weekend! The weather is looking to be fabulous here in Chicago!